Monday, November 15, 2010

Love Today.......

What is the definition of love? Is it different today than 50 years ago? Has the meaning changed? Does it still exist? If so, define it.

According to today's dictionary, love has several definitions.

1.a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
Does this translate into an elderly couple who has been married for 50+years?

2.a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.

Does this translate into a BFF?

3.sexual passion or desire.

Is this what results from real love?

4.a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.

Does this mean the friendly male co-worker?

5.(used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like): Would you like to see a movie, love?

Southern women use this type of love (term of endearment) at the end of every sentence. It's just what we do sweetie.

6.a love affair; an intensely amorous incident; amour.

Does this mean the guy you are involved with has a girlfriend or wife?

7.sexual intercourse; copulation.

This says to me booty call..Can you love a booty call?

So, from all the possible definitions of love, where do single women fit in? and How do we know if we've found it, passed it up, had it, lost it, or ignored it?

We don't know until we look back on all the past "loves" and see that one that just can't be replaced. No matter what or how hard we try. So, we carry it. We carry it into the next relationship, the next booty call, the next date, just hoping, hoping for that one minute to forget the one that got away with our heart.



  1. With your last statement you make love sound like a spot on the map that if we miss it then we can never have it. I think that love is something that we can find at any point when our hearts are open to it.

  2. Gonna have to go with #1. When working in the hospital had these 2 little, short & both gray haired couple that had been married for 68yrs & had no children. They were both sick, so when 1 was admitted the other was admitted & put in rooms right next to one another. When we would go check on her, everytime she wasn't in her room, she'd be in his room, in the bed holding hands with her big ass purse on her arm. They lived for each other & had never spent a day apart in their lives. She passed away & he followed a month later. To me, that is unconditional & soulmate love!!! Ok, well, a booty call sounds good too, but that's lust honey, not love!!!!!!
