Monday, October 26, 2009

The 40 something single woman.

What is it that a woman 40 years old, 2nd divorce, no children, concentrating on a career, and college degree want from a man? It’s quite simple. At this point, we have already discovered we don’t need a man. Why would a man want to be needed? What is so wrong with being wanted? Wouldn’t it be nice to think,”she wants me because she enjoys my company?”

Wouldn’t it be nice to not think about what we want for a gift? We can go out and get exactly what we want, when we want it. We don’t have to bitch about the size, the color, the style?

Here’s a secret men, we want to be wanted, not needed. Those of us who don’t have children, don’t have them for a reason. Don’t want them. Don’t know what in the hell to do with them. Definitely don’t want to raise them. Please, they need to be teens on their way out.

Wouldn’t both sexes like to lay their head down at night with someone that simply loves them? Doesn’t need something, doesn’t need the bills paid, breakfast cooked, clothes washed. Just simply wanted?

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